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  • Writer's pictureEmily Driehaus

Why Should We Care About Wildlife Conservation?

Updated: Mar 21, 2020

In the fight against climate change, the focus is generally centered around the effects on the human population. However, humans share the planet with millions of other species in the animal kingdom that also experience the effects of climate change.

The impacts of climate change on land can have catastrophic effects on the habitats of already endangered animals. Animal populations suffer declines that threaten the future survival of the species.

Because the environment relies on each species playing its particular role, the natural balance can be thrown off due to extinction and decline in animal populations. Humans live with these species and rely on them to regulate certain aspects of their ecosystem, so extinction threatens not only animal populations but the human population as well.

Zoos and other institutions are making an effort to alert the public to this issue and spread conservation awareness. Sophie Janidlo, a 19-year-old sophomore biology major at Loyola University Chicago, has both volunteered and worked at the Cincinnati Zoo, which has multiple programs in place to educate their guests on the importance of animal conservation.

See below for my audio interview with her about animal conservation efforts.

Janidlo holding King Tut, one of the Cincinnati Zoo's snakes.

(Photo courtesy of Sophie Janidlo)

The Cincinnati Zoo's conservation efforts include cell phone recycling, breeding programs for endangered species, and manatee rescue and rehabilitation. For more information about the zoo and their efforts, click here.

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