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  • Writer's pictureEmily Driehaus

Fighting for the Future: A Look Inside Youth Climate Activism

Before all the coronavirus craziness kicked in, I spent a few days following the members of the Sunrise Movement branch at Loyola University Chicago. The national Sunrise Movement was founded in April 2017 with the goal of advocating for political action to take on climate change.

Their main focus right now is helping progressive candidates that support the Green New Deal get elected. Sunrise is also planning a mass climate strike on Earth Day (April 22). They have had to adjust their plans for the strike due to coronavirus, but the organizers are hoping to use their tech-savviness to still have a climate action using social media.

See below for my audio story featuring members of Loyola's Sunrise branch and my video slideshow highlighting past climate actions and what Sunrise hopes to achieve with their climate strike.

A protester inspired by Greta Thunberg holds up a sign at the Global Youth Climate Strike in Chicago in September 2019.

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